Linus Project

Lesley, from the Linus project, visited us at Always Knitting and Sewing yesterday to promote the Linus Charity.

I am a former children’s nurse & midwife and have first hand experience of caring for sick children & babies.   I am therefore really keen to promote this wonderful charity which makes hand made quilts and knitted/ crocheted blankets for sick and traumatised babies, children and teenagers.

Karen Loucks started project linus  in the USA in 1995 after seeing how much a comfort blanket had helped a sick child, she then started to organise blankets for her local children’s cancer unit. Project Linus aims to provide a sense of security and comfort to sick and traumatised babies, children and teenagers through the provision of new home made patchwork quilts and knitted/crocheted blankets.

There has been a UK branch of project Linus since 2000 which gives volunteers across the UK the opportunity to contribute to their local community,  since then there have been 217,478 quilts donated to children and teenagers.

We had the opportunity to be involved when a local Linus volunteer held a quilt making day at our shop recently and several quilts were made and donated to the Linus project.




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